I developed my love for podcasts when I was driving back and forth from my family’s home in Kingsville to Toronto during the summer and fall of 2020; the trains were no longer running and I was in the process of moving in with my partner. Since then, I’ve discovered some amazing theatre based podcasts which have brought me great joy and opportunities to learn and engage with theatre in a new way. Some of these podcasts have existed for years while others are fresh to the scene, and all of them bring something interesting and unique to the world of theatre and podcasting!

PlayMe – CBC

CBC’s PlayMe Podcast is a treasure trove of Canadian Theatre. Usually divided into 3 parts each for a main stage production, PlayMe is an audio-drama version of some of the most beloved plays in our cannon. I’ve enjoyed being able to listen to plays that I wasn’t able to catch here in Toronto or listen to plays I’ve already enjoyed live. I went back to listen to their Quarantine Chronicles series which they released in July of 2020. It’s a fascinating time capsule of that era of history but also a testament to the creativity which was still able to happen even though we couldn’t be together in person.

Right now, we’re eagerly awaiting PlayMe’s next season, but until then, I highly recommend checking out some of their amazing offerings. They have a recording of Prairie Nurse which you can listen to before seeing The Waltz this September at Factory Theatre!

You Can’t Get There From Here Volume 3: A Nightmare on Bathurst Street – Factory Theatre

Speaking of our friends over at Factory Theatre, you should absolutely check out their latest instalment in the You Can’t Get There From Here series! I went to the first night’s recording and I had a spine-chilling good time. There are four other-worldly tales written and directed by some of Toronto’s theatre legends. It’d be a great addition to your spooky-season activities!

You can also check out my review here: https://aviewfromthebox.net/2023/02/24/factory-theatres-you-cant-get-there-from-here-volume-3-a-nightmare-on-bathurst-street/

Stageworthy – Phil Rickaby

Stageworthy is absolutely one of my favourite podcasts to listen to. Host Phil Rickaby interviews theatre practitioners from all across our great country. New episodes come out every Tuesday, and have in depth and fascinating conversations about this incredible industry and what they’re working on. There’s always such a natural flow to the interviews and I feel like I learn a little bit more with each and every interview.

Phil also does an amazing job with keeping on top of what’s new and happening in the Toronto scene, so if you’re interested in a show, he’s likely done an interview with someone involved! It makes them so much fun to listen to!

Resurrection – Dane Stewart

Resurrection is a beautiful podcast where Dane uncovers the life and works of Daryl Allen, and American playwright who unfortunately succumbed to AIDS in 1991. Throughout his journey, Dane travels far and wide to meet the people who were important parts of Daryl’s life and attempt to put together as many of his works as possible.

I won’t lie, by the final episode, I was weeping. To tell the stories of the queer artists we’ve lost long before they had a chance to tell their own stories is such a meaningful mission, and Dane does an amazing job at fully delving into Daryl’s life and letting us know who the real Daryl Allen was. I cannot recommend this podcast enough.

Climate Change and Other Small Talk – Sunny Drake Productions

When this podcast first came to my attention, I was quite excited; with each passing week my anticipation would grow until I could barely wait for a new episode! Climate Change and Other Small Talk is a brilliantly curated set of audio dramas from literally all over the world talking about climate change and our role within our environment. There are definitely some familiar voices in the first episode which made me so happy!

I really loved how this podcast encourages the listener not only to think critically about what they’re listening to, but to do so in groups; on their website they provide information about having listening parties and talking about what’s being discussed in each episode and I love that! One of the best parts about theatre is being able to talk about it with others after the show, so I love that this audio-drama based podcast is inviting us to do the same.

Summer Camp: The Case of the Phantom Pooper – The Sonar Network

If you’re in for a light-hearted giggle this summer, this is the audio-drama for you! With episodes being released every Wednesday, Summer Camp: The Case of the Phantom Pooper is hilarious, as long as you don’t mind some potty-mouth moments. Based on a true story, Summer Camp: The Case of the Phantom Pooper follows camp director Mookie as he struggles to solve a string of seriously smelly pranks at a Canadian summer camp. His attempts to trace a prolific prankster uncover more mischief than he bargained for.

This simultaneously mysterious and funny podcast is sure to be the perfect thing to listen to on those long drives to the beach or cottage! I can’t wait to hear how it ends!

All of these amazing podcasts can be found wherever you get your music! Of course, this is not an extensive list, but a few that I’ve personally enjoyed lately. What’s your favourite theatre podcast or audio-drama? Let me know in the comments!

I’ve been contemplating starting my own podcast as an accompaniment to my reviews. It would include audio interviews as well as longer thoughts/reviews on the shows I’m seeing. What do you think? Leave a comment or let me know on social media!

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